Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Down Side of Lace fronts

The main reason why you should not wear lace fronts. It destroys you hair line. She is still on of the coolest models but damn. No wonder she hides it.

Hey Wats up Peanut!!

Thank you Peanut for following my blog!!

Love You!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Remember The Time

It has really been a year since he has been gone. I remember last year…

That morning I left my house, to head down to school. There was nothing on the radio so I decided to pick a random CD out of my holder. It was my Michael Jackson mix that I had made with all of my favorites. I remember driving down 95 in traffic, and not having a care in the world because I was jamming. I even looked over at another car, and a woman started laughing because I was dancing.

A few hours later I left my first class and went to go meet up with one of my friends. I then got a phone call from my sister saying that something happened to Michael and it was on the radio. I wasn’t in my car so I went to my friend’s room and turned on CNN. I remember praying for him the entire time they were reporting. When the actually said he was gone, I felt numb. I felt stuck. I couldn’t go to my night class because I know the my professor would not have any of my attention.

Michael was my favorite singer since birth. I truly did love him, and supported him when no one did. To be honest I don’t want to believe he is gone.

The radio played Who’s loving you today, and tears fell down my face. I will never forget him or his legacy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Grad Party Pics

Me, fam, and friends @ D.dub & E$ Grad Party

A Ray of Dawn


Said to be the root of evil, however it makes the world go round. Mo money , mo problems. Funny thing is I have no money, but for the most part I have never been happier. As a child I never wanted to be the richest person in the world, and I still don't.

I would never date/marry for money either. When most dudes approach me, somehow they always bring up how money is not an option, or how they have to sell one of their properties. That's the biggest turn off for me. I cannot be bought, and niether could any other respectable women. Does it look I only date ballers? Don't get me wrong, an ideal guy would have a job where he feels like he is doing his best, and continues to move up in a company. But that is not the main thing that I would be concerned with. If you feel the need to constantly talk about your stacks, then go find someone else.

You also need to realize that nothing is forever. And though you may be happy making it rain in the clubs, what happens when all the money is gone? And instead of making it rain, why don't you donate that money to a charity, or give it to a poor person on the streets. Why don't you do something more productive with your money instead of gloating about how much you have?

Just a Ray..

Keyshia Cole - (I Just Want It) To Be Over

love this!!

Birdman - Loyalty ft. Lil Wayne, Tyga


Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Makes me wanna rock out w/ my c*ck out!!

The Karate Kid

Went to the movies this weekend to see the Karate Kid, and I really enjoyed it. It is a great summer movie, as well as inspirational for kids that need it. Jaden did an excellent job, and it was great seeing Jackie Chan doing a different type of role.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Hey Wats Up Kim and Pot

I have to thank my wonderful sister Kim for following! Your Awesome!!

Thank u Pot my fellow blogger lol!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brazilian Baby Boy Doing the Samba

So Cute!!

Check Out This Little Brazilian Boy Getting The Samba In Something Tough! [Video]



To be honest I have know idea who will win tonight. All I know is that the Celtics better bring a lot more than they did last game. Either way I am sure tonight will be a great game!

Good Luck Celtics!!

Nice back tat Rondo!!! lol

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pure Awesomeness!!

So I want to start a band, and I've always wanted to play the guitar. Well my friend @musicalharvest showed me his website, where he makes all of his guitars. He can also make one of a kind guitars too. I seen this one and it took my breathe away. Now im saving up for something special!!

If you want to see more go to
They are awesome!!


Love This!!

Kanye West - Power

love this!!

Happy B-Day TuPac!!

Today will be Tupac 39th B-Day if the man was still living. He will forever be missed!! Its been 14 years since he passed, and not many artist have reached his iconic level. I look forward to seeing what may come.

The Celtics?

SMH Celtics SMH!!

Ok, there are a number of things that the Celtics did not do last night that caused them to lose horribly. The obvious thing is that none of them could finish their plays or make a damn shot! They were always open, but no one could finish a play. I was almost embarrassed to watch.

However I will say the Lakers played great, and Kobe was on it. Now somebody go tell Ron Artest to go sit down somewhere. That foul he gave to Rondo made me real upset! (He was bleeding afterward L) But what’s worse is the ref’s didn’t call it. Shout out to Shannon Brown for some awesome dunks last night too!

Also good season to Kendrick Perkins. Hope you rest up for next season, because we needed you last night!

All I have to say is the Celtics better come with it on Thursday, or it’s a done deal.

I have Faith!!



Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Janelle Monáe - Tightrope ft. Big Boi [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Love This!!

Game 6


I’m super excited about the game tonight. Don’t know where I am going to watch it, but I know it’s going down. Unfortunately Lamar Odom has “flu like symptoms” and won’t be playing tonight.

I’m sure the Laker’s will step it up since the game will be in LA. But, the Celtics are gonna kill em’.

Hey Whats up Moo!!

My first follower is my ex bf Anthony. Just wanted to say it means a lot to me that you would even read my blog, let alone follow it. I will always love u Murkin!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lil Wayne - Knockout ft. Nicki Minaj

Love This!!!!

Will Write For Shoes

So I currently spend my days surfing the internet for jobs. However there are no really good jobs for writers. If you are looking for jobs you may want to look on or Also if you know where there are good jobs spread the wealth!!

Natural Talk

I get questions about my hair all the time, I will answer the questions I get the most.

1. How long have you been natural?
I got my last perm Dec. 08. After that I transitioned until Late Aug when I cut my hair really short but not a full bc (Big chop). About 2 weeks later I let my sister cut the rest of the perm out of my hair. The sad thing is I can’t remember exactly what day, but it was mid- Sept.

2. What your regimen?
Depends on the season and style I’m going for. In spring and summer I wahs it once or twice a week. My hair likes water and I usually wear it in it natural state.
Winter and fall I do protective styles, and may wait up to two weeks to wash my hair.
I keep it oiled and moisturized daily!!

3. Any tips?
If you are afraid of cutting your hair, transition for as long as possible and then do the cut. Keep your hair moisturized and find styles that work with you.

Here is a picture of my hair at its shortest!! Around Octoberish!!!

Here is my hair as of May

Go Celtics!!

Just have to say congrats to the Celtics for an awesome game last night! #TeamRondo Baby!!

Out with the old..

I have had this blog since Spring 09. I first got it for a class assignment, but now I feel that it is time for everyone to be able to read the rays of Dawn. In this blog i will talk about everything that I think is important and or fun. Its all me. Have anything you would like me to talk about then feel free to comment, but for the most part...I'M RIDING SOLO.